Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film ‘Fan’, recently met the members of India’s first transgender band ‘6-Pack’. King Khan greeted his fans ahead of the trailer launch of the Maneesh Sharmaand also shook a leg with them to the anthem song ‘Jabra Fan’.
The theatrical trailer of ‘Fan’ was launched amidst much fanfare at the Yash Raj Films studio which was opened for thousands of Shah Rukh’s fans. The ‘6-Pack’ band members knocked on the door of the actor’s greenroom where he was preparing for the trailer launch. They were delighted when the superstar interacted with them.
The ‘6-Pack’ band has been launched by Y-Films, the youth wing of YRF in collaboration with singer Sonu Nigam in January. After coming to know about Shah Rukh’s presence, the band members had requested to meet the actor and give him their blessings along with a special message, an official statement by the production house said.
The ‘Dilwale’ star not only obliged to their request, but also joined them for an impromptu dance as they performed the song ‘Jabra Fan’. They also performed on one of their original songs. Shah Rukh also hugged each one of them and thanked and wished them luck in return.
The official Twitter handle of Y Films shared a video of the band’s meeting with the superstar and captioned it,[email protected] had the perfect #Fan moment when they met @iamsrk! Watch the video to know more. @FanTheFilm.”
The 6-Pack Band’s first three music videos including a cover of Pharrell’s chartbuster as ‘Hum Hain Happy’ and collaborations with Sonu Nigam ‘Sab Rab De Bande’, have clocked over 7 million views. They have 3 more videos in the pipeline, including a collaboration with legendary singer Asha Bhosle’s granddaughter Zanai Bhosle.
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