There were reports that the break-up of Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina has taken a toll on the shooting of their upcoming film ‘Jagga Jasoos’. The cast and crew of Anurag Basu’s directorial were to leave for Morocco to shoot for the last few portions of the movie. However, the team has now decided to recreate the portions resembling Morocco at a Mumbai studio and the shooting will be held there.
A DNA report quoted a source as saying, “This schedule of ‘Jagga Jasoos’ started in Mumbai more than a week ago. Director Anurag Basu doesn’t know what to do. First, Katrina and Ranbir’s best friend director Ayan Mukerji was requested to come every day, so tempers wouldn’t flare between the two stars and so that both Katrina and Ranbir would finish the schedule. But now the vibes between the two are icy cold and nobody is taking a chance.
“Anurag and the producers decided to take a call and complete the remaining portions in Mumbai. This also laid rest to rumours that Katrina and Ranbir would patch up during the Morocco schedule,” the source added.
Meanwhile, Ranbir has said that there were no problems during the shoot of the film, as opposed to what certain reports were indicating at. The ‘Rockstar’ actor who recently attended the special screening of ‘Kapoor & Son’, told reporters, “There are no problems. It’s going really well. There are only a few days of shoot left. Anurag, Katrina and I worked on the film whole-heartedly.”
Ranveer, who is also co-producing the film with Anurag, revealed that the film’s teaser trailer and first look will be out next month, April.
‘Jagga Jasoos’ has been plagued by several delays due to various reasons. As of now, the film is scheduled to release on June 3.
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