Superstar Salman Khan will appear before a Jodhpur trail court on Thursday, March 10, to record his statement in connection with the infamous black buck poaching case for illegal possession of arms. The actor left for the city early in the morning for the crucial hearing in the 17-year-old Arms Act case.
Upon landing in Jodhpur, Salman will straightaway consult his lawyers and then leave for the court where he will depose as an accused.
The ‘Bajrangi Bhaijaan’ actor is accused of hunting three endangered chinkaras and a blackbuck, along with his co-stars while shooting for Sooraj Barjatya’s 1998 film ‘Hum Saath Saath Hai’ in Rajasthan.
The forest department had filed a case under the Arms Act, accusing Salman of using his weapons illegally as their licenses had expired. However, the actor maintained that he had applied for a renewal of his licence as soon as it expired and hence, he was not using them illegally.
The actor had earlier sought permission to re-summon five witnesses in the case, stating that he was innocent in the matter. The process of re-examining the five prosecution witnesses was recently completed in the Chief Judicial Magistrate court.
The statement of Salman as an accused would be recorded for possible conclusion of the trial. The judgment in the case was to be delivered on February 25 last year, but emergence of a prosecution application had held up the judgment.
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