The ‘Highway’ actress Alia Bhatthas finally confessed that she is in a relationship with her co-star Sidharth Malhotra. Alia and Sidharth always hit the headlines for their on and off relationship. The couple never came open about their affair and always gave a twisted answered when asked about their relationship status but at a recent media interaction, Alia, who was present with Fawad Khan, Sidharth said that she likes Fawad and loves Sidharth.
Both Alia and Sidharth denied dating each other. Talking to Indian Express, Alia said that she is single and not dating anybody currently. “I am single,” said the Bhatt daughter.
When pointed out that there is no smoke without fire, Alia said: “Stop searching for the smoke then. You will not get fire.”
In various occasions, Alia and Sidharth were spotted together and it was also confirmed by Alia’s mother that Sidharth is very close to her daughter and often spends quality time with her.
Alia Bhatt, however, admitted that she is very close to Sidharth and he will always be a good friend. “I am very close to Sid and always will be. We started our careers together. And I have had a great relationship with every co-actor of mine.”
Praising Sidharth, Alia said, “He is far more calmer, happier, more easy and likes to play cricket. He also likes to interact with the crew. Earlier, he used to be nervous but not any more. He also enjoys dancing much more now.”
Currently, she is working with Sidharth in ‘Kapoor&Sons’, produced by Dharma Productions.
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